This is a culmination of the student’s journey at Al-Falah Academy. This course combines a high-level discussion on some core ethical values that must be embibed both by the teacher and the student; and it also involves reading a core Fiqh text from cover to cover. There are mainly two texts to be studied from beginning to end at this level as follows:
This a commentary of a poem by the 11th Century scholar of Hadith Khateeb Al Baghdadi. The text is immensely vital for both students and teachers in learning the principles required in the pursuit of knowledge. The book is filled with verses, hadiths, sayings of the sahaba and the salaf coupled with poetry to pass the message.
This is a very prescient text on Islamic Jurisprudence written by Wahid Abdussalam Al Bali. With this text, the student learns several chapters of Ilsmaic Fiqh ranging from Salah, Siyam, Mirath (inheritance), Business ethics, Marriage and many more topics.